Visual novel log!



Look, look I know the steam translation is ass, but it could definitely be worse. And I long to read this VN almost as much as I do with Suisenka, and at least this one is translated. I was actually reading it before but my save deleted itself so I lost motivation to keep reading.

Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

CHAPTER 2 SPOILERS + 18+ WARNING I think Ayana is aware that Yuki is the world itself despite the fact that she doesn't remember it. Ayana is clearly linked almost directly to Yuki, her saying she only knows what Yuki knows and all, like they're mentally linked. Maybe she's like that with everyone she interacts with?

The only other character she's interacted with is Zakuro, and that was off screen, god this girl is so strange I love her.

>psychicly shows you an image of the 3 girls who killed themselves
>doesn't elaborate
>vanishes into thin air

This timeline's Zakuro feels a bit different, though she was strange she seems a lot more extreme here. I wonder what happened.

NEW CHARACTER!! Hasaki, Mamiya's little sister. She seeems a lot more sane than her brother, considering tbe brief glance we get of their mother I can assume mental illness runs in their family. Their mother was also part of the White Lotus Association formally, and she decided to remake the religion entirely herself for one reason or another. Most likely where her son is getting his beliefs from.

Huh, it says that Hasaki's mother became in her current state because of both the Father and Hasaki's twin brother dying back to back, I do still think she definitely influenced her son though.

According to Hasaki, the web bot is a complete bullshit. The way it functions honestly reminds me of several false prediction YouTube channels that would do stuff like make a shit ton of videos, upload them unlisted, and then make them public if they become real, making them look like real predictions.

What a sweet girl, if Mamiya does anything to her I'm castrating him.

KIMIKA INTRODUCTION, I would take a screenshot but I don't wanna use too much website storage. She seems to be part of Mamiya's weird cult, only one I've seen refer to him as "The Savior" as he refers to himself as.

It feels so weird hear someone spout his rhetoric while speaking so normally- OH THE BITCH HAS A KNIFE

The teacher is beaten and bloodied but still alive pleading for help, jesus fuck this Kimika girl is fucking terrifying. She's even scarier since she doesn't LOOK insane like most anime-styled characters like her do, she looks so normal even when attempting murder. It's scary.

The fact that attention is called to the fact that the lights in Tsukasa and Kagami's house are out makes me so fucking scared, there's no way that's a throw away line, do not touch the lesbian twins DO NOT!


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

CHAPTER 2 SPOILERS + 18+ WARNING MAMIYA'S NAME IS ON ZAKURO'S DESK, I THINK I AM ONTO SOMETHING!! Yuki also notes that she constantly gets a crazy headache when he's around. What the fuck is up with him.

Ayana's dialog is full of surprises.

Oh fuck, ohhhh fuck, oh god, why does he look like that???? Why is he reaidng Yuki's mind???? I'm scared.

I'm not gonna be able to put down this VN now, minus the H-scenes since I'd wanna be home alone so my boyfriend doesn't have to deal with them.

The fact that Mamiya's dialog is in the giant square style text box that's typically only used in this VN for either internal dialog or mass groups I slightly suspect that Mamiya is either speaking to Yuki telepathically or he's in some way not physically present. He's clearly connected to something supernatural.

Anyways reference to Last Thursdayism jumpscare, which feels particularly unsettling in the context of a visual novel.

I've always enjoyed stories with the premise of "what if the conspiracy theorist was right?" somewhere in it, and considering this is a denpa VN it makes sense. I am, very worried for Kagami though, with how much she's fighting against him.

I'm starting to think Ayana isn't a student at all, maybe some being watching over Yuki specifically? Not an angel since she feels too, I guess, detached emotionally to be one, but something not human.


Haha hey look another denpa VN, another one with religious theming too, I think that's the 3rd one now.

Sadly the full VN isn't released in English yet but I enjoy what I see so far, Maya is very Ravencore. The art's very cute too.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

CHAPTER 2 SPOILERS + 18+ WARNING Theory: the weird timid boy, the one who Yuki meets at the very beginning of the story and she happens to stumble across while she's in a state of vertigo has a direct tie to Zakuro's suicide.

The fact that the shadow in the image with Zakuro and the other girls' corpses has short hair feels like it points to Ayana as a red herring, Ayana's given me strange vibes but the timid boy who I don't remember the name of and will not look up to avoid spoilers gives me bad vibes, I don't trust him.


Higurashi When They Cry - Ch.1 Onikakushi


I adore the original art style and how squishy and oldschool it feels but got Tomitake just looks off to me. Honestly most of the guys that aren't Keiichi look mildly off.

Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

CHAPTER 2 SPOILERS + 18+ WARNING I desperately want to know what the fuck is up wth Ayana. Other than her being another strange and offputting girl for me to obsess over, she has direct connections with Zakuro who herself has a lot of mistery around.

We know Zakuro has killed herself in both this timeline and the previous timeline, but in the previous timeline she stayed as this weird ghost-like being that no one even realized was dead. Zakuro is heavily bullied and is also implied to not get along with Ayana. Maybe Ayana is linked to it somehow?

I doubt Ayana is a, I guess, 'moral' character. Since my first ever contact with this series is through a very ominous image of her. Her theme also has fucking morse code in it I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT HER!!!



Manakashi No Yuri Wa Akaku Somaru

I guess one pro(?) about watching a fan translation on YouTube is that a lot of the more gorey content is censored, so at least my mental health is prooobably not gonna decline from engaging with it.

SPOILERS I'm still super early in, Honjou only just being found out by Kanzaki as being a lesbian, it's very sad to see how restless and anxious it makes Honjou for anyone to know she's a lesbian, especially already knowing what things are to come for her.

Honjou's parents are also refreshingly accepting of her, I'm so used to parents in LGBT+ media being really shitty, especially from those from Japan, it's sweet so see a family that accepts their daughter as a lesbian.


Manakashi No Yuri Wa Akaku Somaru

Does it count as playing if I'm watching a subtitled translation on YouTube? I'll count it, I usually put my visual novels on autoplay anyways, I really really wanna read this toxic yuri kinda questionable VN, even if I already know what happens because I've watched Amelie Doree's video covering it.

I'm watching the translation done by Games and Joy, it's a little clunky here and there but I think I have enough of a grasp of Japanese gramatical structures to understand it.

Two lesbians who happen to have the same name, one timid and one outgoing, how cute! What could possibly go wrong. :)



There they aaaare, Nyn and Auma, they already seem super interesting. Nyn being cold and seems to only really care about her sister and whatever teachings she's being given, and Auma, a very delicate and sweet girl who is the singular person who shows Mercy any sort of empathy. Waking her up after Mercy has a particularly nasty hallucination episode leading her to get locked in a closet.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

CHAPTER 2 SPOILERS + 18+ DISCUSSION(sexual content)

Ah classic anime lesbians fawning over the girl they love so deeply even long after they've forgotten who they are because they simply can't forget her no matter what.
Anyways I popped off so hard, even if Zakuro was a bit of a weirdo for walking up to a Yuki that doesn't remember her and basically going "I want to fuck you :)"

Average dialog of a VN that has already given me 1 existential crisis.

Anyways tonal whiplash from what I last wrote, Zakuro is dead. I mean I guess she was already dead in chapter 1, it was just sort of her restless spirit sticking around. But here she's long dead before anything could happen. This specifies that Zakuro specifically committed suicide, which I figured. Her taking her life along side the other 2 girls we saw.

Still hurts a lot though. She's definitely my favorite so far, but I doubt she's gone for good considering the nature of this story.


SPOILERS + TW THEMES OF RELIGIOUS TRAUMA AND ABUSE Finally getting myself to read this again, Mercy getting violently stabbed over and over by her bullies and then procceding to get blamed for it struck such a personal uncomfortable cord with me I physically couldn't read it, but now I'm in a little better of a mental state, and I guess the abusive priest is an easiler pill for me to swallow. The brain is weird.

Anyways Yiea is dead (YIPPIE!!!!!) but that also means Mercy is gonna be treated even more like shit, but also also this means the main catalyst has begun, I wonder if we're gonna get introduced to the girl on all of the promotional art now.

Higurashi When They Cry - Ch.1 Onikakushi

I enjoy reading these ones on auto while slipping in and out of paying attention since for the most part I know what's happening already, I'll pay more attention to the more crazy bits to see what's different but I'm definitely gonna try to give my full attention when I get into the later chapters.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

Installed the patch and am now in the 2nd chapter

18+ DISCUSSION(sexual content) This 18+ patch makes me really wanna read steam's regulations on sexual content, there's games like Huniepop on the platform but Wonderful Everyday needs a patch for the rest of the content, and it's original content is already 18+, I don't get it. Ig lesbian sex isn't sexual enough


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

This VN is gonna give me an existential crisis

I also got to the part that NSO references.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

SPOILERS + 18+ DISCUSSION(sexual content) Since this is the first VN I've read with uncensored sex content I was kinda mentally preparing myself for it to be abrupt but it actually felt kinda natural? Anyways Yuki Kagami lesbian sex.

Thus naturally I got the Kagami ending, first ending got, I am afraid of the rest.

Kagami and Yuki are really fuckin cute together tho, there's something refreshing seeing a gay spin on the tsundere trope.

Quickly grabbed the Tsukasa ending too, laughed at Kagami smacking Yuki for fucking her sister.

With both of the token normal routes done I'm now getting what I've been mentally preparing myself for, the VN to get fucking weird.
During their cute little date Zakuro now finds a new attraction and now the two girls are in a liminal grocery store, it's time everyone, it's time for my brain to melt.

The Murder Of Sonic The Hedgehog

For the sake of my mental health.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

SPOILERS + TW TALK OF SUICIDE + 18+ DISCUSSION(sexual content) Zakuro was fr trying to lotion up Yuki goddamn and I thought Kagami was down bad.

But speaking of Zakuro she's so sweet I wish for her and Yuki to just have a nice lesbian make-out session as a treat, really trying to say they're going on a date 'as a joke' god they need to kiss already. I'm also extremely concerned for Zakuro's safety.

Even if she insists it isn't what she meant, the allusion that she might be planning to kill herself reminds me way too much of real behaviors of people who plan to take their life I'm super super worried for her.

She also has a history with Ayana of some sort, clearly negative. I'm starting to doubt that the two of them are even human, but in what way I have no clue.

(playing later in the day at this point)

I am pretty confident in my heterosexuality for the most part, but holy shit Zakuro is just so fucking pretty I feel awestruck whenever I see her. Which makes me very scared. I'm getting deeply emotionally attached, oh god oh fuck.

There's this, implication Zakuro has met Yuki before, I think some form of Yuki may be the special person she keeps referring to. Their chemistry is super sweet too.

I'm gonna savor this until it all goes wrong.



SPOILERS + TW THEMES OF RELIGIOUS TRAUMA AND ABUSE I'm starting to get super invested, Delilah once being this bright eyed child who looked up to Mercy and ending up tired and overworked along with the reveal that her mother was murdered on a cross for being a 'heretic'. Faust being heavily abused by his parents, which I suspected since a teenage boy this sadistic doesn't just become like that for no reason, and I paused on the start of going into Clara's backstory which seems to be leading into her getting bullied for having a speech disorder, I suspect she bullys Mercy as a way to protect herself, but we'll see.

Mercy also had what seemed to be a psychosis episode which was very scary and well done.

Higurashi When They Cry - Ch.1 Onikakushi

Been slowly making my way through the Higurashi VNs, I loved the anime so it only feels natural, plus I've heard that both the VNs are generally considered better and also that they focus a lot more on the psychological horror and mystery aspects rather than the gore aspects which I can 100% get behind, as much as I'm a fan (fan's not the right word, but you get what I mean) of the fucked up violence in Higurashi

Funnily enough when I looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend's monitor, a friend of his was playing Higurashi Kai, the 5th chapter, what're the odds lmao.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

SPOILERS + 18+ DISCUSSION(sexual content) I was gonna start of the main canon route originally but I think I'm gonna go down the Kagami route(at least to the best of my abilities while playing blind)

Anyways shout out to Kagami for being so in the closet but the moment she gets to kiss Yuki she goes in sloppy style. Kagami's also totally the "all guys are gross" to "oh wait I'm just a lesbian" pipeline.

It's her, the girl of the hour, the girl who is constantly in edgy nightcore videos. I may not trust her from the singular CG I've seen of her but I just have a gut feeling she's gonna be my favorite by the end of this.

Ame's Happy Happy Dating Game

Any reason to see content of my beloved neurotic mess Ame is great, short and sweet, love love love it.

Momo's Diary


Another day another VN I downloaded by looking at the denpa tag on VNDB, and man it was a short and extremely uncomfortable(positive) ride, really really good. Cheers to everyone losing their mind.


Wonderful Everyday Down The Rabbit Hole

MINOR SPOILERS + 18+ DISCUSSION(sexual content) Finally got titty jumpscared (is it a jumpscare if I was expecting it?)
All of the girls stripped down naked during a King's Game, so much lesbian tension in this VN, I can't wait to be fucking traumatized since this is like, THE denpa VN outside of Shizuku and Sayonara o Oshiete which I really wanna read.

I love Zakuro though, she's so fucking strange I love her.


Just Kiss Her Already!

Oops forgot to log this! Started this super cute VN about a sapphic girl and her innability to realize the cute waitress girl is hitting on her. Love it so far, so cute.


Hot Cocoa Magic!

Super short but super super cute story about a socially anxious witch making a friend, mostly read it because I recognized the artist. Very cute.



Found out an Android port was made for this VN, so I now know what I'm gonna do on work breaks from now on, read fucked up denpa toxic yuri.

SPOILERS + TW THEMES OF EXTREME BULLYING, ABUSE, AND SANISM Even not too far in this VN does NOT pull it's punches, from what I can tell so far our protagonist Mercy suffers from some sort of psychosis or schizophrenic spectrum disorder, going from being praised as this holy figure for her visions to being viewed as cursed and damned.

One of the last scenes I read was Mercy almost being drowned to death because one of the guys involved in one of her 'cleansing' rituals is extremely sadistic. She's literally in love with the singular girls that treats her like a human, and even then she's not perfect.
Did you know? There's a growing amount of evidence that Depression shrinks parts of the brain, in particular, a lot of areas lose GMV (gray matter volume)

Always remember that mental illness affects the brain physically as well.